Supports de cours de l'Ecole de Bioinformatique Aviesan - IFB - Inserm "Initiation au traitement des données de génomique obtenues par séquençage à haut débit"

View the Project on GitHub IFB-ElixirFr/EBAII

IGV Single-cell Hands-on Roscoff 2022

Sophie Lemoine and Morgane Thomas-Chollier



The aim is to :

Connect to the server and set up your environment

Connect to JupytherHub

  1. Sign in to Jupyterhub and open a Terminal
  2. select in the reservation field form_2022_32
  3. In the launcher, click on “Terminal” in “Other” section. You should be in your home directory by default. Check it:

2 - Set up your working environment

  1. Go to your project directory
    cd /shared/projects/<your_project>
  2. Create a directory that will contain all results of the upcoming analyses.
    mkdir ebaii22_igv
  3. Go to the newly created directory
    cd ebaii22_igv
  4. Copy the directory containing data
cp -r /shared/projects/form_2022_32/SingleCellRNASeq/Visualization .
  1. Your directory structure should be like this

You can check your directory structure:


You should see a BAM file (= mapped reads), a BAI file (for technical reasons this file must be present for IGV) and a BED file (contains a summary of the BAM with alignment position. This file is not mandatory, but it can be useful as less heavy than BAM)

 └── Visualization
    ├── pbmc1k_rdx.bam
    ├── pbmc1k_rdx.bam.bai
    └── pbmc1k_rdx.bed

Visualizing the signal in a genome browser

1 - Download the following files from the server onto your computer (laptop)

  1. In JupytherHub, use the menu on the left to navigate to your project folder. img1

  2. Once you get to the Visualization folder, right-click on the following files and choose Download to save them on your laptop


You should have these 3 files on your laptop :

2 - Viewing the raw alignment data in IGV

  1. Open IGV on your computer
  2. Keep the default genome (GRCh38/hg38)
  3. Load BAM file :
    • File / Load from File…
    • Select the BAM file pbmc1k_rdx.bam
  4. Load the BED file pbmc1k_rdx.bed

(the BAI file does not need to be loaded)

Browse around in the genome. Do you see peaks? Where are located the peaks, in reference to the annotated genes ?