Supports de cours de l'Ecole de Bioinformatique Aviesan - IFB - Inserm "Initiation au traitement des données de génomique obtenues par séquençage à haut débit"
Sophie Lemoine and Morgane Thomas-Chollier
The aim is to :
cd /shared/projects/<your_project>
mkdir ebaii22_igv
cd ebaii22_igv
cp -r /shared/projects/form_2022_32/SingleCellRNASeq/Visualization .
You can check your directory structure:
You should see a BAM file (= mapped reads), a BAI file (for technical reasons this file must be present for IGV) and a BED file (contains a summary of the BAM with alignment position. This file is not mandatory, but it can be useful as less heavy than BAM)
└── Visualization
├── pbmc1k_rdx.bam
├── pbmc1k_rdx.bam.bai
└── pbmc1k_rdx.bed
In JupytherHub, use the menu on the left to navigate to your project folder.
Once you get to the Visualization folder, right-click on the following files and choose Download to save them on your laptop
You should have these 3 files on your laptop :
(the BAI file does not need to be loaded)
Browse around in the genome. Do you see peaks? Where are located the peaks, in reference to the annotated genes ?