Supports de cours de l'Ecole de Bioinformatique Aviesan - IFB - Inserm "Initiation au traitement des données de génomique obtenues par séquençage à haut débit"
The aim is to :
This training gives an introduction to ChIP-seq data analysis, covering the processing steps starting from the reads to the peaks. Among all possible downstream analyses, the practical aspect will focus on motif analyses. A particular emphasis will be put on deciding which downstream analyses to perform depending on the biological question. This training does not cover all methods available today. It does not aim at bringing users to a professional NGS analyst level but provides enough information to allow biologists understand what is DNA sequencing in practice and to communicate with NGS experts for more in-depth needs.
For this training, we will use two datasets:
Goal: Identify the datasets corresponding to the studied article and retrieve the data (reads as FASTQ files) corresponding to 2 replicates of a condition and the corresponding control.
NGS datasets are (usually) made freely accessible for other scientists, by depositing these datasets into specialized databanks. Sequence Read Archive (SRA) located in USA hosted by NCBI, and its European equivalent European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) located in England hosted by EBI both contains raw reads.
Functional genomic datasets (transcriptomics, genome-wide binding such as ChIP-seq,…) are deposited in the databases Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) or its European equivalent ArrayExpress.
Within an article of interest, search for a sentence mentioning the deposition of the data in a database. Here, the following sentence can be found at the end of the Materials and Methods section: “All genome-wide data from this publication have been deposited in NCBI’s Gene Expression Omnibus (GSE41195).” We will thus use the GSE41195 identifier to retrieve the dataset from the NCBI GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus) database.
Although direct access to the SRA database at the NCBI is doable, SRA does not store sequences in a FASTQ format. So, in practice, it’s simpler (and quicker!!) to download datasets from the ENA database (European Nucleotide Archive) hosted by EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute) in UK. ENA encompasses the data from SRA.
tip: To download the replicate and control datasets, we should redo the same steps starting from the GEO web page specific to the chip-seq datasets (see step 2.4) and choose FNR IP ChIP-seq Anaerobic B and anaerobic INPUT DNA. Downloaded FASTQ files are available in the data folder (SRR576934.fastq.gz and SRR576938.fastq.gz respectively)
At this point, you have three FASTQ files, two IPs, one control (INPUT).
cd /shared/projects/<your_project>
mkdir EBAII2021_chipseq
cd EBAII2021_chipseq
cp -r /shared/home/slegras/EBAII2021_chipseq/data .
If you wish, you can check your directory structure:
Goal: Get some basic information on the data (read length, number of reads, global quality of datasets)
Before you analyze the data, it is crucial to check the quality of the data. We will use the standard tool for checking the quality of data generated on the Illumina platform: FASTQC.
mkdir 01-QualityControl
cd 01-QualityControl
Your directory structure should be like this
└───01-QualityControl <- you should be here
module add fastqc/0.11.9
fastqc --help
fastqc ../data/SRR576933.fastq.gz -o .
Go to the directory /shared/projects/
Analyze the result of the FASTQC program:
How many reads are present in each file ?
What is the read length ?
Is the overall quality good for the three samples ?
Are there any concerns raised by the report ? If so, can you tell where the problem might come from ?
module rm fastqc/0.11.9
Goal: Obtain the coordinates of each read to the reference genome.
There are multiple programs to perform the mapping step. For reads produced by an Illumina machine for ChIP-seq, the currently “standard” programs are BWA (Li and Durbin, 2009) and Bowtie (versions 1 and 2)(Langmead et al., 2009; Langmead and Salzberg, 2012), and STAR (Dobin et al., 2013) is getting popular. We will use Bowtie version for this exercise, as this program remains effective for short reads (< 50bp).
module add bowtie/1.2.3
This prints the help of the program. However, this is a bit difficult to read ! If you need to know more about the program, it’s easier to directly check out the manual on the website.
bowtie needs the reference genome to align each read on it. This genome needs to be in a specific format (=index) for bowtie to be able to use it. Several pre-built indexes are available for download on bowtie webpage, but our genome is not there. You will need to make this index file.
cd ..
mkdir 02-Mapping
cd 02-Mapping
To make the index file, you will need the complete genome, in FASTA format. It has already been downloaded to gain time (Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta in the course folder) (The genome was downloaded from the NCBI).
mkdir index
cd index
## Creating genome index : provide the path to the genome file and the name to give to the index (Escherichia_coli_K12)
bowtie-build ../../data/Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta Escherichia_coli_K12
cd ..
mkdir bam
cd bam
Your directory structure should be like this:
| └───index
| └───bam <- you should be here
## Run alignment
## Tip: first type bowtie command line then add quotes around and prefix it with "sbatch --cpus 10 --wrap="
sbatch --cpus-per-task 10 --wrap="bowtie -p 10 ../../index/Escherichia_coli_K12 ../../../data/SRR576933.fastq.gz -v 2 -m 1 -3 1 -S 2> SRR576933.out > SRR576933.sam"
This should take few minutes as we work with a small genome. For the human genome, we would need either more time and more resources.
Bowtie output is a SAM file. The SAM format corresponds to large text files, that can be compressed (“zipped”) into a BAM format. The BAM files takes up to 4 time less disk space and are usually sorted and indexed for fast access to the data it contains. The index of a given
## First load samtools
module add samtools/1.10
## Then run samtools
samtools sort SRR576933.sam | samtools view -b > SRR576933.bam
samtools index SRR576933.bam
gzip SRR576933.sam
Analyze the result of the mapped reads:
Open the file SRR576933.out (for example using the ` less ` command), which contains some statistics about the mapping. How many reads were mapped? How many multi-mapped reads were originally present in the sample? To quit less press ‘q’
module rm samtools/1.10 bowtie/1.2.3
Analyze the result of the mapped reads:
Open the file SRR576938.out. How many reads were mapped?
Goal: Duplicated reads i.e reads mapped at the same positions in the genome are present in ChIP-seq results. They can arise for several reasons including a biased amplification during the PCR step of the library prep, DNA fragment coming from repetitive elements of the genome, sequencing saturation or the same clusters read several times on the flowcell (i.e optical duplicates). As analyzing ChIP-Seq data consist at some point in detecting signal enrichment, we can not keep duplicated reads for subsequent analysis. So let’s detect them using Picard
cd /shared/projects/<your_project>/EBAII2021_chipseq/02-Mapping/bam
## Load picard
module add picard/2.22.0
## Run picard
picard MarkDuplicates \
INPUT=SRR576933.bam \
OUTPUT=Marked_SRR576933.bam \
METRICS_FILE=metrics \
picard MarkDuplicates \
INPUT=SRR576938.bam \
OUTPUT=Marked_SRR576938.bam \
METRICS_FILE=metrics \
To determine the number of duplicated reads marked by Picard, we can run the samtools flagstat
## Add samtools to your environment
module add samtools/1.10
## run samtools
samtools flagstat Marked_SRR576933.bam
Go back to working home directory (i.e /shared/projects/
## Unload picard and samtools
module rm samtools/1.10 picard/2.22.0
## If you are in 02-Mapping/bam
cd ../..
Goal: The first exercise aims at plotting the Lorenz curve to assess the quality of the chIP. The second exercise aims at calculating the NSC and RSC ENCODE quality metrics. These metrics allow to classify the datasets (after mapping, contrary to FASTQC that works on raw reads) in regards to the NSC and RSC values observed in the ENCODE datasets (see ENCODE guidelines)
mkdir 03-ChIPQualityControls
cd 03-ChIPQualityControls
## Load deeptools in your environment
module add deeptools/3.2.0
## Run deeptools fingerprint
plotFingerprint --numberOfSamples 10000 -b ../02-Mapping/bam/SRR576933.bam ../02-Mapping/bam/SRR576934.bam ../02-Mapping/bam/SRR576938.bam -plot fingerprint_10000.png
cp /shared/home/slegras/EBAII2021_chipseq/03-ChIPQualityControls/fingerprint.png .
Look at the result files fingerprint.png. What do you think of it?
Go back to working home directory (i.e /shared/projects/training/<login>/EBAII2021_chipseq)
## Unload deepTools
module rm deeptools/3.2.0
## If you are in 03-ChIPQualityControls
cd ..
Goal: View the data in their genomic context, to check whether the IP worked
There are several options for genome browsers, divided between the local browsers (need to install the program, eg. IGV) and the online web browsers (eg. UCSC genome browser, Ensembl). We often use both types, depending on the aim and the localization of the data. If the data are on your computer, to prevent data transfer, it’s easier to visualize the data locally (IGV). Note that if you’re working on a non-model organism, the local viewer will be the only choice. If the aim is to share the results with your collaborators, view many tracks in the context of many existing annotations, then the online genome browsers are more suitable.
Browse around in the genome. Do you see peaks?
Browse into IGV. Go to the following genes: pepT (geneID:b1127), ycfP (geneID:b1108)
However, looking at BAM file as such does not allow to directly compare the two samples as data are not normalized. Let’s generate normalized data for visualization.
bamCoverage from deepTools generates BigWigs out of BAM files
## Load deeptools in your environment
module add deeptools/3.2.0
## run bamCoverage
bamCoverage --help
mkdir 04-Visualization
cd 04-Visualization
Your directory structure should be like this:
| └───index
| └───bam
└───04-Visualization <- you should be in this folder
bamCoverage --bam ../02-Mapping/bam/Marked_SRR576933.bam \
--outFileName --outFileFormat bigwig --effectiveGenomeSize 4639675 \
--normalizeUsing RPGC --skipNonCoveredRegions --extendReads 200 --ignoreDuplicates
Go back to the genes we looked at earlier: pepT, ycfP. Look at the shape of the signal.
Keep IGV opened.
Go back to working home directory (i.e /shared/projects/
## If you are in 04-Visualization
cd ..
Goal: Define the peaks, i.e. the region with a high density of reads, where the studied factor was bound
There are multiple programs to perform the peak-calling step. Some are more directed towards histone marks (broad peaks) while others are specific to narrow peaks (transcription factors). Here we will use the callpeak function of MACS2 (version because it’s known to produce generally good results, and it is well-maintained by the developer.
mkdir 05-PeakCalling
mkdir 05-PeakCalling/replicates
cd 05-PeakCalling/replicates
## Load macs2 in your environment
module add macs2/
macs2 callpeak
This prints the help of the program.
macs2 callpeak -t ../../02-Mapping/bam/SRR576933.bam \
-c ../../02-Mapping/bam/SRR576938.bam --format BAM \
--gsize 4639675 --name 'FNR_Anaerobic_A' --bw 400 \
--fix-bimodal -p 1e-2 &> repA_MACS.out
# If you are in 05-PeakCalling
mkdir pool
cd pool
# Run macs2 for pooled replicates
macs2 callpeak -t ../../02-Mapping/bam/SRR576933.bam ../../02-Mapping/bam/SRR576934.bam \
-c ../../02-Mapping/bam/SRR576938.bam --format BAM \
--gsize 4639675 --name 'FNR_Anaerobic_pool' --bw 400 \
--fix-bimodal -p 1e-2 &> pool_MACS.out
Look at the files that were created by MACS. Which files contains which information ?
How many peaks were detected by MACS ?
At this point, you should have two BED files containing the peak coordinates, one for each replicate.
In order to take advantage of having biological replicates, we will create a combine set of peaks based on the reproducibility of each individual replicate peak calling. We will use the Irreproducible Discovery Rate (IDR) algorithm.
## If you are in 05-PeakCalling
mkdir idr
cd idr
Your directory structure should be like this:
| └───index
| └───bam
| └───replicates
| └───pool
| └───idr <- you should be in this folder
## Load idr in your environment
module add idr/
idr --help
idr --samples ../replicates/FNR_Anaerobic_A_peaks.narrowPeak ../replicates/FNR_Anaerobic_B_peaks.narrowPeak \
--peak-list ../pool/FNR_Anaerobic_pool_peaks.narrowPeak \
--input-file-type narrowPeak --output-file FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.bed \
cd ../..
### 5 - Visualize peaks into IGV
1. Download the following BED files from the server into your computer to visualise in IGV :
* 05-PeakCalling/repA/FNR_Anaerobic_A_peaks.bed
* 05-PeakCalling/repB/FNR_Anaerobic_B_peaks.bed
* 05-PeakCalling/idr/FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.bed
**Go back again to the genes we looked at earlier: pepT, ycfP. Do you see peaks?**
## Motif analysis <a name="motif"></a>
**Goal**: Define binding motif(s) for the ChIPed transcription factor and identify potential cofactors
### 1 - Retrieve the peak sequences corresponding to the peak coordinate file (BED)
For the motif analysis, you first need to extract the sequences corresponding to the peaks. There are several ways to do this (as usual...). If you work on a UCSC-supported organism, the easiest is to use RSAT fetch-sequences or Galaxy. Here, we will use Bedtools, as we have the genome of interest on our computer (Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta).
1. Create a directory named **06-MotifAnalysis** to store data needed for motif analysis
mkdir 06-MotifAnalysis
cd 06-MotifAnalysis
Your directory structure should be like this:
| └───index
| └───bam
└───06-MotifAnalysis <- you should be in this folder
module add samtools/1.10
samtools faidx ../data/Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta
module add bedtools/2.29.2
bedtools getfasta -fi ../data/Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta
-bed ../05-PeakCalling/idr/FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.bed -fo FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.fa
4. Download the file FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.fa on your computer
### 2 - Motif discovery with RSAT
1. Open a connection to a Regulatory Sequence Analysis Tools server. You can choose between various website mirrors.
* Teaching Server (recommended for this training) [](
2. In the left menu, click on **NGS ChIP-seq** and then click on **peak-motifs**. A new page opens, with a form
3. The default peak-motifs web form only displays the essential options. There are only two mandatory parameters.
* The **title box**, which you will set as **FNR Anaerobic** . The **sequences**, that you will **upload from your computer**, by clicking on the button Choose file, and select the file **FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.fa** from your computer.
4. We will now modify some of the advanced options in order to fine-tune the analysis according to your data set.
* Open the "Reduce peak sequences" title, and make sure the **Cut peak sequences: +/- ** option is set to **0** (we wish to analyze our full dataset)
* Open the “Motif Discovery parameters” title, and check the **oligomer sizes 6 and 7** (but not 8). Check "Discover over-represented spaced word pairs **[dyad-analysis]**"
* Under “Compare discovered motifs with databases”, **remove** "JASPAR core vertebrates" and **add RegulonDB prokaryotes** (2015_08) as the studied organism is the bacteria E. coli.
5. You can indicate your email address in order to receive notification of the task submission and completion. This is particularly useful because the full analysis may take some time for very large datasets.
6. Click “**GO**”. As soon as the query has been launched, you should receive an email indicating confirming the task submission, and providing a link to the future result page.
7. The Web page also displays a link, You can already click on this link. The report will be progressively updated during the processing of the workflow.
### 3 - OPTIONAL : Motif discovery with RSAT (short peaks)
1. Restrict the dataset to the summit of the peaks +/- 100bp using bedtools slop. Using bedtools slop to extend genomic coordinates allow not to go beyond chromosome boundaries as the user give the size of chromosomes as input (see fai file).
bedtools slop -b 100 -i ../05-PeakCalling/replicates/FNR_Anaerobic_A_summits.bed -g ../data/Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta.fai > FNR_Anaerobic_A_summits+-100.bed
bedtools getfasta -fi ../data/Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta -bed FNR_Anaerobic_A_summits+-100.bed -fo FNR_Anaerobic_A_summits+-100.fa
gzip ../data/Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta
3. Run RSAT peak-motifs with the same options, but choosing as input file this new dataset (FNR_Anaerobic_A_summits+-100.fa)
and setting the title box to **FNR Anaerobic A summit +/-100bp**
## Peak annotation <a name="annotation"></a>
**Goals**: Associate ChIP-seq peaks to genomic features, draw metagenes, identify closest genes and run ontology analyses
1. Create a directory named **07-PeakAnnotation**
mkdir 07-PeakAnnotation
cd 07-PeakAnnotation from the Homer suite associates peaks with nearby genes.
gunzip ../data/Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655.annotation.fixed.gtf.gz
gunzip ../data/Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta.gz
2. Create a file suitable for
cut -f1-5 ../05-PeakCalling/idr/FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.bed | \
awk -F "\t" '{print $0"\t+"}' > FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.bed
module add homer/4.10 –help
Let's see the parameters: peak/BEDfile genome > outputfile
User defined annotation files (default is UCSC refGene annotation): accepts GTF (gene transfer formatted) files to annotate positions relative
to custom annotations, such as those from de novo transcript discovery or Gencode.
-gtf <gtf format file> (Use -gff and -gff3 if appropriate, but GTF is better)
4. Annotation peaks with nearby genes with Homer
```bash \
FNR_anaerobic_idr_peaks.bed \
../data/Escherichia_coli_K12.fasta \
-gtf ../data/Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655.annotation.fixed.gtf \
> FNR_anaerobic_idr_annotated_peaks.tsv
Open an Rstudio tab in Jupyterhub
Add gene symbol annotation using R ```R
d <- read.table(“FNR_anaerobic_idr_annotated_peaks.tsv”, sep=”\t”, h=T)
gene.symbol <- read.table(“../data/Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655.annotation.tsv.gz”, h=F)
d.annot <- merge(d[,c(1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,11)], gene.symbol, by.x=”Nearest.PromoterID”, by.y=”V1”)
colnames(d.annot)[2] <- “PeakID” # name the 2d column of the new file “PeakID” colnames(d.annot)[dim(d.annot)[2]] <- “Gene.Symbol”
write.table(d.annot, “FNR_anaerobic_idr_final_peaks_annotation.tsv”, col.names=T, row.names=F, sep=”\t”, quote=F)
**What information is listed in each column of the file?**
**In which column number is the official gene symbol of the nearest gene?**
**What are all the possible gene types?**
7. Retrieve the list of closest genes
tail -n 2 FNR_anaerobic_idr_final_peaks_annotation.tsv | awk '{print $11}'
# sort | uniq -c to list and count occurences of each item
tail -n +2 FNR_anaerobic_idr_final_peaks_annotation.tsv | awk '{print $8}' | sort | uniq -c
How many peaks are associated with promoters ?
tail -n +2 FNR_anaerobic_idr_final_peaks_annotation.tsv | awk '{if ($8=="promoter-TSS") print $11}'
Is the number of genes in your file consistent with the previous reply?
tail -n +2 FNR_anaerobic_idr_final_peaks_annotation.tsv | awk '{if ($8=="promoter-TSS") print $11}' | wc -l
tail -n +2 FNR_anaerobic_idr_final_peaks_annotation.tsv | awk '{if ($8=="promoter-TSS") print $11}' \
> FNR_anaerobic_idr_final_peaks_annotation_officialGeneSymbols.tsv
## Compress annotation file
gzip ../data/Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655.annotation.fixed.gtf
Go back to working home directory (i.e /shared/projects/training/<login>/EBAII2021_chipseq)
## If you are in 07-PeakAnnotation
cd ..
This gene list can then be used with Gene Ontology search tools such as Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) or Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA).
Input your gene list (filename : FNR_anaerobic_idr_final_peaks_annotation_officialGeneSymbols.tsv) on the DAVID website:
Are there biological processes enriched in the list of genes associated to the peaks?
Are these genes enriched in some KEGG map?
In this part, we will use a different set of peaks obtained using a peak caller from a set of p300 ChIP-seq experiments in different mouse embryonic tissues (midbrain, forebrain and limb).
From now on, we will work locally on your personal machine.
cd /shared/projects/<your_project>/EBAII2021_chipseq
mkdir 07-PeakAnnotation-bonus
cd 07-PeakAnnotation-bonus
file to the newly created folder (where xxxxx
represents the GSM number)
You should now have downloaded 3 files:
GSM348064_p300_peaks.txt.gz (Forebrain) GSM348065_p300_peaks.txt.gz (Midbrain) GSM348066_p300_peaks.txt.gz (limb)
Beware: Make sure to check which genome version was used to call the peaks (remember: this is mouse data!)
Now, we will use RStudio to perform the rest of the analysis in R. For the analysis, we will need some R/Bioconductor libraries
# load the required libraries
# define the annotation of the mouse genome
txdb = TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm9.knownGene
# define colors
col = brewer.pal(9,'Set1')
# set the working directory to the folder in which the peaks are stored
# read the peaks for each dataset
peaks.forebrain = readPeakFile('GSM348064_p300_peaks.txt.gz')
peaks.midbrain = readPeakFile('GSM348065_p300_peaks.txt.gz')
peaks.limb = readPeakFile('GSM348066_p300_peaks.txt.gz')
# create a list containing all the peak sets
all.peaks = list(forebrain=peaks.forebrain,
The peaks are stored as GenomicRanges object; this is an R format which look like the bed format, but is optimized in terms of memory requirements and speed of execution.
We can start by computing some basic statistics on the peak sets.
# check the number of peaks for the forebrain dataset
# compute the number of peaks for all datasets using the list object
# display this as a barplot
# statistics on the peak length for forebrain
# size distribution of the peaks
peaks.width = lapply(all.peaks,width)
# boxplot of the sizes
Can you adapt the previous code to display a boxplot of the peak score distribution for the Forebrain peak set (column Maximum.Peak.Height
We can now display the genomic distribution of the peaks along the chromosomes, including the peak scores, using the covplot
function from ChIPSeeker
# genome wide distribution
covplot(peaks.forebrain, weightCol="Maximum.Peak.Height")
Exercice: use the option “lower” in covplot to display only the peaks with a score (Max.Peak.Height) above 10
In addition to the genome wide plot, we can check if there is a tendency for the peaks to be located close to gene promoters.
# define gene promoters
promoter = getPromoters(TxDb=txdb, upstream=5000, downstream=5000)
# compute the density of peaks within the promoter regions
tagMatrix = getTagMatrix(peaks.limb, windows=promoter)
# plot the density
tagHeatmap(tagMatrix, xlim=c(-5000, 5000), color="red")
We can now assign the peaks to the closest genes and genomic compartments (introns, exons, promoters, distal regions, etc…)
This is done using the function annotatePeak
which compares the peak files with the annotation file of the mouse genome. This function returns
a complex object which contains all this information.
peakAnno.forebrain = annotatePeak(peaks.forebrain, tssRegion=c(-3000, 3000), TxDb=txdb, annoDb="")
peakAnno.midbrain = annotatePeak(peaks.midbrain, tssRegion=c(-3000, 3000), TxDb=txdb, annoDb="")
peakAnno.limb = annotatePeak(peaks.limb, tssRegion=c(-3000, 3000), TxDb=txdb, annoDb="")
We can now analyze more in details the localization of the peaks (introns, exons, promoters, distal regions,…)
# distribution of genomic compartments for forebrain peaks
# for all the peaks
plotAnnoBar(list(forebrain=peakAnno.forebrain, midbrain=peakAnno.midbrain,limb=peakAnno.limb))
Question: do you see differences between the three peak sets?
An important step in ChIP-seq analysis is to interpret genes that are located close to the ChIP peaks. Hence, we need to
Beware: By doing so, we assume that the target gene of the peak is always the closest one. Hi-C/4C analysis have shown that in higher eukaryotes, this is not always the case. However, in the absence of data on the real target gene of ChIP-peaks, we can work with this approximation.
We will compute the enrichment of the Gene Ontology “Biological Process” categories in the set of putative target genes.
# load the library
# define the list of all mouse genes as a universe for the enrichment analysis
universe = mappedkeys(org.Mm.egACCNUM)
## extract the gene IDs of the forebrain target genes
genes.forebrain = peakAnno.forebrain@anno$geneId
ego.forebrain = enrichGO(gene = genes.forebrain,
universe = universe,
OrgDb =,
ont = "BP",
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
pvalueCutoff = 0.01,
qvalueCutoff = 0.05,
readable = TRUE)
# display the results as barplots
Question: do you see an enrichment of the expected categories? What does the x-axis mean? What does the color mean?
Exercise: redo this analysis for the limb dataset and check if the enriched categories make sense.
The processed peaks (BED file) is sometimes available on the GEO website, or in supplementary data. Unfortunately, most of the time, the peak coordinates are embedded into supplementary tables and thus not usable “as is”. This is the case for the studied article. To be able to use these peaks (visualize them in a genome browser, compare them with the peaks found with another program, perform downstream analyses…), you will need to (re)-create a BED file from the information available. Here, Table S5 provides the coordinates of the summit of the peaks. The coordinates are for the same assembly as we used.
perl -lane 'print "gi|49175990|ref|NC_000913.2|\t".($F[0]-50)."\t".($F[0]+50)."\t" ' retained_peaks.txt > retained_peaks.bed
gi 49175990 ref NC_000913.2 120 220 gi 49175990 ref NC_000913.2 20536 20636 gi 49175990 ref NC_000913.2 29565 29665 gi 49175990 ref NC_000913.2 34015 34115
Annotation files can be found on genome websites, NCBI FTP server, Ensembl, … However, IGV required GFF format, or BED format, which are often not directly available. Here, I downloaded the annotation from the UCSC Table browser as “Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655.annotation.gtf”. Then, I changed the “chr” to the name of our genome with the following PERL command:
perl -pe 's/^chr/gi\|49175990\|ref\|NC_000913.2\|/' Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655.annotation.gtf > Escherichia_coli_K_12_MG1655.annotation.fixed.gtf
This file will work directly in IGV
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