
Exercise 1: connect to the cluster through SSH

Connect to the IFB Core Cluster using your SSH client

ssh $

where $USER will be replaced by your username. The password you enter won’t be visible on the the screen, for obvious security reasons. If you register your public ket with, no password will be required.

Find the name of your current working directory

## /shared/mfs/data/home/cyrildw

Excercice 2 : Get your environment ready

Create a folder for your workflow

#{r setup, include=FALSE} #knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) #

mkdir -p fairbio

Upload your workflow

Use FileZilla :

  1. Host:
  2. login: your login.
  3. Password: your password.
  4. Port: 22. Click on Quick connection Move your smk and yml file form your local computer to the fairbio folder on the cluster

Download your input data

The data used for the snakemake tutorial are available on Zenodo. Go to and copy.paste the link. Download the data archive using wget

wget -O FAIR_Bioinfo_data.tar.gz

tar -xzvf FAIR_Bioinfo_data.tar.gz

Load the snakemake module and all required tools

module load snakemake fastqc bowtie2 samtools subread

Exercice 3 : run snakemake

Run your workflow using srun

srun --cpu=12 snakemake --jobs $SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK -s ex2_o6.smk --configfile ex2_o1.yml

Drawback : Wait for 12 cores to be available on the same CPU node

Run your workflow using –cluster mode

rm -r Result Tmp FastQC Logs
snakemake --cluster "sbatch" --jobs=20 -s ex2_o6.smk --configfile ex2_o1.yml

Drawback : no control over workflow execution (you can’t stop it)

Run your workflow using –drmaa mode

Distributed Ressource Managment Application API

rm -r Result Tmp FastQC Logs
snakemake --drmaa --jobs=20 -s ex2_o6.smk --configfile ex2_o1.yml

WorkflowError: Error loading drmaa support: Could not find drmaa library. Please specify its full path using the environment variable DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH

module load slurm-drmaa
snakemake --drmaa --jobs=20 -s ex2_o6.smk --configfile ex2_o1.yml