Visualization of variants in DNAseq data
In the top menu, select “New session”
In the top menu, select “Load from File” then select the “dnaseq.bam” and the “dnaseq.bed” file
Zoom in the “variant239” region and observe the heterozygous SNV at the position chr12:11,461,470, indicated by colored bases
- Zoom in the “variant230” region and observe the 3bp-deletion at the position chr12:9,994,446, indicated by a blank space crossed by a black line
- Zoom in the “variant240” region and observe the insertion at the position chr12:11,461,554 , indicated by a purple bar
- In the top menu, select “New session”
- In the top menu, select “Load from File” then select the **"TRIO_00*bam"** file
- Zoom in the chr19:33,493,260-33,493,397 region and observe the two variants in the area, one inherited by the father (002) and the other by the mother (003)
- Tips:
- Always sort reads by base at a variant position and color them by strand
- Control the visualization parameters set in “View > Preferences”
- Base counts indicated by hovering on the coverage track at the variant position can help assess the variant allelic ratio.
The decomposition on the forward/reverse strands can help determine a potential strand bias: when a base is covered by the same amount of forward and reverse alignments (blue and pink) and the variant is supported by a high proportion of one type of strand (ie: 90%), it might be an artifact.
- In the top menu, select “New session”
- In the top menu, select “Load from File” then select the “CNV.bam” file
- Zoom in the NRXN1 region and observe the chr2:51,223,938-51,226,142 region.
- Right click on the alignment track, select “View as pairs”
- Right click on the alignment track, select “Color alignments by” then “insert size and pair orientation”
- Right click on the alignment track, select “Sort alignments by” then “insert size”
Visualization of the Transcription Factor GATA-3 Binding Sites by ChIP-seq from ENCODE
ChIP-seq data from the ENCODE project are used in this part in order to observe at the same time a BAM file containing the reads alignments, the normalized signal in a BIGWIG file and a BED file containing the enriched regions of high read density (peaks) identified by the bioinformatics analysis.
These peaks correspond to the predicted binding sites of the studied transcription factor, GATA-3 in the Mcf7 cell line.
These data can be access directly via IGV (or load the saved session “chipseq.xml”) :
- In the top menu, select “New session”
- In the top menu, select “File” then “Load from ENCODE (2012)”

- Write the following keywords: “mcf-7 gata3 usc SC-268” and select the following tracks then click on “Load”

- Repeat the operation and write the following keywords to import the INPUT signal: “mcf-7 input usc signal” and select the following track then click on “Load”

Visualization of two peaks :
- Zoom in this specific region : chr2:190,349,562-190,354,046
- Right click on the name of the “MCF-7 GATA3” IP Signal and click on “Change track Color (positive values)” then select the color red
- Repeat the operation for the “MCF-7 Input” Signal and select the color light blue
- Select both Signal tracks by maintaining the “ctrl” key and clicking on the names then right-click on one of them and click on “Group autoscale” to adapt the scale of both tracks

Visualization of a region that is not enriched in the IP :
- Remove the alignment track by right clicking on the name then select “Remove track”
- Zoom in this specific region : chr20:55,741,582-55,790,445
- Select both Signal tracks by maintaining the “ctrl” key and clicking on the names then right-click on one of them and click on “Overlay” to display both signals on the same track